The World Through Our Eyes
The World Through Our Eyes is a zine filled with wonderful alternative art and writing. The pieces included in this zine are created by young up-and-coming artists whose work does not necessarily fit in with societal norms due to its punk, queer, and alternative nature. Our purpose with this zine is to give people the opportunity to come together and share stories, experiences, and feelings with each other free of judgment. A place where others can finally see the world through our eyes.
Our Founder

Want to learn more?
Click below

Current Issues

All donations help to fund printing and distribution costs so that our zine can be free and accessible to anyone interested!

Q: Can I submit my work to the zine if I’ve already submitted it somewhere else?
A: Yes! The zine is a platform created to uplift and promote artists
Q: How do I submit my work?
A: You can press this button below! It'll lead you to our Google form that explains everything about how to submit your work.
Q: How many things can I submit?
A: You are welcome to submit as many pieces as you want but just know that only a few pieces from each artist are allowed in one zine. Any pieces that don’t make it will carry over to the following issue.
Q: When is the due date?
A: There are only due dates if you're looking to submit a piece for a special edition issue otherwise there are no due dates unless specified.
Q: Where can I find the zine?
A: All of our zines (including mini zines) are linked on the home page of our website. You can click below to find them!
Q: What’s the theme?
A: Our regular issues doesnt really have a specific theme but the zine was created to help others see the world through their eyes so anything along those lines is great. For special edition issues, the theme will be specified.
Submission Information
Submission Requirements
Word Submissions:
750 words max (if your submission is longer send us a DM on insta!)
Picture Submissions:
A scanned color scanned version of your submission. **Please note that most of our issues are printed in black and white.
Current Open Zine Submissions
General Submissions - Always Open
Halloween Special - Due Date: N/A
Spring Special - Due Date: N/A
Have questions about an issue?
Send us a DM on Instagram or email us At [email protected]
Zine Libraries